Dual Enroll/Early College Enrollment Procedures Guide
Table of Contents
Credit from Two Institutions for Same Class
Section I - Academic Standards and College Transcript
- Academic Standards
- Student Records
- Classroom Standards
- Eligibility
- Application and Enrollment Process
- Add/Drop/Withdraw Schedule
- Class Cancellation
- Textbooks
- Family Education Rights Act (FERPA)
- Attendance
- Technology
- Student and Community Portal
Section IV – Student Code of Conduct
- Behavioral Issues
- Student Misconduct
- Procedure for Student Code Violations
- Student Right to Due Process
- Disciplinary Actions
- Interim Suspension
- Student Complaint Process – Initiated by Student
Section V – High School Instructors
- Qualifications
- Responsibilities and Expectations
- Dual Enroll/Early College Faculty Orientation
- Course Syllabi
- Classroom Set-Up
- Blackboard
- Early Alert
- Classroom Visits
- Grade Submission
- Final Grades
- Course Assessments
- Illness/Medical Leave/Substitution
- Responsibilities
- Accessibility Services
- Tutoring and Testing
- Library Services
Program Overview
North Central Michigan College began concurrent enrollment in the Fall of 2013. Concurrent enrollment (CE) is defined at North Central as courses that are offered in area high schools in specially designated sections that cover the same college course content while eliminating travel barriers. CE offers students the opportunity to earn semester based college credits that will appear on a North Central transcript and that may be transferred to any public or private university in the state. CE courses are taught by a high school teacher who has been qualified as an adjunct instructor by North Central or by an adjunct instructor hired by North Central. CE courses follow the same course syllabus and semester guidelines as other North Central courses.
Concurrent enrollment courses are offered in the high school with a minimum of 10 students. Once minimum enrollment has been met, it is possible to allow 50% of total enrollment to be non-registered students.
Students participating in CE courses, who are choosing not to enroll in the course for college credit, shall still meet all applicable course prerequisites and placement requirements and shall adhere to the same textbook and curriculum.
Concurrent enrollment courses taught by a North Central approved high school instructor will be offered for $33 per contact hour for in-district (Emmet County) and $38 per contact hour for out-of-district schools. North Central will bill each high school for the number of enrolled students after the official add/drop date for the course.
The policies and procedures contained herein have been established and adopted to ensure consistent quality and academic integrity throughout the program.
Program Contacts
Program Coordinator
- Corey Lansing, Director of Admission
231-439-6349; clansing@ncmich.edu
Program Staff
- Joseph Balinski, Registrar
231-439-6347; jbalinski@ncmich.edu - Accessibility Support Services
231-348-6605; accessibility@ncmich.edu - Michele Andrews, Dean of Business, Education & Adjunct Faculty
231-348-6812; mandrews@ncmich.edu
Academic Deans
- Jim Cousino, Dean of Career & Technical Education
231-348-6630; jcousino@ncmich.edu - Dr. Sara Glasgow, Dean of Arts & Sciences
231-348-6604; sglasgow@ncmich.edu - Brent Lafaive, Dean of Nursing & Health Sciences
231-348-6658; blafaive@ncmich.edu
Vice Presidents
- Renee DeYoung, Vice President of Student Affairs
231-348-6618; rdeyoung@ncmich.edu - Dr. Stephen Strom, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Success
231-348-6660; sstrom@ncmich.edu
Course Outline/Syllabus
The course outline/syllabus used in each North Central Now! (NCN) course must be the same or equivalent to the corresponding course taught on the North Central campus, including course objectives, grading standards, evaluation, assessment, and learning outcomes; this syllabus must be adhered to by all students participating in the class.
Textbook/Course Materials
When a textbook is not being used on campus, the instructor from the high school will have access to the supplemental materials that are being used on campus. Additionally, when there isn’t a textbook being used on campus, the high school instructor may use an AP textbook, if one is already used at the high school. When selecting textbooks for North Central Now! classes taught in area high schools, the College commits to selecting and using a textbook for at least three years, allowing the College bookstore and area high schools to maximize the financial and intellectual return on their investment. However, if there is a significant revision impacting the curriculum, an instructor with the approval of the associate dean may replace the textbook. As part of this program, North Central will make an effort to make available rental textbooks for concurrent enrollment courses. This will be done on a case by case basis and the college does not guarantee rentals can be made available for all courses.
Credit from Two Institutions for Same Class
Approved North Central Now! instructors may NOT offer concurrent credit for another institution to students within the same class being taught for North Central concurrent credit.
Academic Standards
Admission to North Central is a privilege which carries with it the responsibility for appropriate academic achievement. The college reserves the right to place a student on probation or suspend a student whoseacademic achievement is such that continued enrollment would not be in the best interest of the College or the student.
A student is placed on academic probation when his/her cumulative grade point average at North Central after enrolling in 6 semester hours credits falls below 2.00, the minimum level considered to be in good academic standing. North Central will review each student who is placed on academic probation to determine if they will be allowed to enroll in future classes.
Student Records
Dual and concurrent classes are designed to challenge highly motivated students. Course requirements and grading standards are the same as those in courses offered on campus. Students should be aware the credits and grades earned through dual and concurrent enrollment will appear on a North Central Michigan College transcript that will serve as a part of permanent academic record. It will also be used to calculate cumulative grade point average and satisfactory academic progress for financial aid. Students will be required to disclose enrollment and grades when transferring to other colleges and universities.
Classroom Standards
High School students participating as either a dual enrolled student taking a class on campus or as a concurrent student taking a class in the high school will be held to the same standards as any student taking a class on campus. Academic rigor is essential for student success.
Students should arrange their schedules so that they may attend class and have time to properly prepare for the next class. Normally a college student will study two hours outside of class for every one hour the class meets. For example if the class is 3 credits, the student should plan on spending 6 hours per week outside of class, in addition to class time, for a total of 9 hours a week, to be successful with the college course.
This may mean that some students who are involved in extracurricular activities may not be able to participate in favorite sports or activities and be successful in the college classroom at the same time.
Section II
Approval/Denial of Instructors and/or Courses
Following are the steps that are to be followed in obtaining the approval of a high school partnership in proposed courses and instructors.
- The high school requests a North Central course using the North Central Now! Instructor and Course Request Form to the Dual Enroll/Early College Program Coordinator of a desired partnership in the Dual Enroll/Early College CE program.
- The high school should identify their concurrent enrollment courses and high school instructors or request for a North Central adjunct faculty by May 15th of the academic year for the fall semesters or October 15th for winter semester.
- If the high school is seeking approval for a high school instructor to teach the class, the high school will need to submit the credentials for the instructor at the time of the request. Please see the Adjunct Faculty Qualifications (Section V of this document) for requirements.
- The Dual Enroll/Early College Program Coordinator will forward the high school instructor’s credentials and course request (see Dual Enroll/Early College Concurrent Enrollment Course Request Form) to the appropriate Associate Dean for approval. If adjunct faculty is requested and the course is approved, the appropriate Associate Dean will send request of hiring of adjunct instructor for the course to the Adjunct Faculty Coordinator.
- The high schools will receive written notification (letter or email) of approval or denial of the instructor credentials and/or course within two weeks of request.
- Once course is approved, The Dual Enroll/Early College Concurrent Enrollment Course Request Form will be sent to the Registrar by the Dual Enroll/Early College Program Coordinator. The Registrar will assign a section number specific to the class. A beginning designator of “X” to indicate a concurrent enrollment class and an ending designator of either “H” or “N”. “H” indicates a high school instructor and a “N” indicates a North Central adjunct instructor.
- The Registrar send the Dual Enroll/Early College Concurrent Enrollment Course Request Form with the assigned section number to the Dual Enroll/Early College Program Coordinator, Associate Deans, Adjunct Faculty Coordinator, Bookstore, Assistant to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Success, and Business Office.
- The Dual Enroll/Early College Program Coordinator will then email the assigned course section number to the partner high school counselor for registration purposes.
- A North Central Faculty Liaison will be assigned to a newly approved high school faculty for course planning within as soon as practical with the expectation that planning with a first time instructor will begin by the beginning of the term. two weeks See Faculty Liaison section of this guide for expectations and responsibilities of the liaison.
Section III
Consistent with the recommendations of the Michigan Department of Education, eligibility for courses through Dual Enroll/Early College CE is based on a combination of factors including teacher and counselor recommendations and standardized test scores.
The MME, ACT, COMPASS scores are designed to indicate whether a student is ready for college success. THE ASPIRE scores are designed to indicate whether a student is on track to be ready for college success. In approving a student for CE, high school counselors and principals use the guidelines provided by the Michigan Department of Education and their assessment of the student’s readiness for such work. At a minimum, federally-based ability to benefit scores of 13 in ACT English and ACT Reading (COMPASS=Reading 62; E-Write=3) should be used to qualify students for participation in Dual Enroll/Early College The endorsement of the high school principal is a requirement for enrollment in CE courses.
The action of the State legislature in 2012 amended the Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act (PSEOA) (Public Act 160 of 1996) and the Career and Technical preparation Action (Public Act 258 of 2000) to expand dual enrollment opportunities for high school students. Qualified students may begin taking dual enrollment classes in 9th grade and may take up to 10 dual enrollment classes in grades 9-12. Dual enrollment courses can be used to satisfy the requirements of the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) if the content and assessment are aligned.
The Application and Enrollment Process
Student Add/Drop/Withdraw Schedule
Class Cancellation
When a textbook is not being used for a North Central class, the instructor from the high school would have access to the supplemental materials that are being used on campus. Also, the high school instructor could use an AP textbook, if one is already used at the high school.
As part of this program, high schools would also have to make a three-year commitment to offer the class if they decide to rent textbooks from the College Bookstore.
Family Education Rights Policy Act (FERPA)
For CE students, the same FERPA policies and procedures apply as they do for all other college students. According to the AACRAO 2013 FERPA Policy Guide:
“A FERPA-related college education record begins for a student when he or she enrolls in a higher education institution. At a postsecondary institution, rights belong to the student in attendance, regardless of the student’s age.”
North Central strongly encourages parents of concurrent enrolled courses to respect the student’s ownership of his or her education record at the college level and seek ways to gain that information while safeguarding the student’s rights and responsibilities. Faculty teaching concurrent enrollment courses will communicate with and through the student, as an important maturation point for the college student. We ask that parent communication is made first with the student, then, only as necessary, with the Registrar or Director of Student Outreach and Engagement at the college. The information being requested will be given to the high school principal or counselor and they may distribute as they see fit. The student may also give written authorization to North Central to release his or her student records/information to a parent or guardian by submitting the “Student Release of Records Authorization Form” available from the Registrar’s Office at the College.
Attendance is critical to the student’s success. Each instructor determines the attendance policy for the class and the amount of class time a student may miss. Excessive absences will not be tolerated for any reason including but not limited to sickness, extracurricular activities, or any other reason. Students are expected to attend class and complete the work as assigned.
A student who may be involved in extracurricular activities that requires multiple absences from class should reconsider taking a college class.
North Central Michigan College students are expected to be able to access the internet and to use Blackboard during each class period, just as students do on the main campus. Many instructors depend on these resources in the administration of their classes.
NC Portal
It is essential that all CE student become familiar and use the college’s NC Portal. This portal is the central access point for CE for all of the college’s electronic resources including but not limited to:
- Gaining access to the learning management system (Blackboard)
- Gaining access to the college’s help desk
- Gaining access to MyMail web mail
- Gaining access to MyNorthCentral where grades, semester schedules, and unofficial transcripts are found.
Section IV
Student Code of Conduct
Behavioral Issues
Students are responsible for obeying municipal, state and federal laws which govern the community, as well as the rules and regulations of the College. If a student participates individually or as a member of a group in any violation of Conduct Standards (listed below), he or she can be subject to disciplinary action. Further, sanctions may be imposed upon student groups or organizations, including the sanction of deactivation which entails the loss of all the privileges and/or College recognition for a specified period of time. The Student Conduct Standards also apply to off-campus activities, such as field trips, off-campus classes and College-sponsored events. On a case-by-case basis, the Vice President of Student Affairs or other appropriate Deans will determine if a hearing is necessary.
The Instructor will fill out a behavior incident report, found in their My North Central portal page under the more forms tab.
Enrollment carries with it obligations relative to conduct both within and outside the classroom. If a student is accused of less than acceptable behavior, College procedures provide for due process to insure that the student receives fair and equitable treatment. If you are seeking a degree at North Central and fail to disclose that you have attended other academic institutions prior to your enrollment at North Central, you are violating the Student Conduct Standards and are jeopardizing your continued enrollment at North Central.
Occasionally an instructor may find a student’s behavior so disruptive that they will ask the student to leave the class. Any student who is asked to leave the class may not be allowed back in class until the circumstances surrounding the incidence have been reviewed and corrective action is taken. This review should be completed as quickly as possible so that the student may re-join the class as soon as possible. Students who are asked to leave class will be sent to the high school principal.
Student Misconduct
The following forms of misconduct will not be tolerated by the College:
1. Dishonesty, including knowingly furnishing false information to the College or a College officer whether verbally, in writing or by completing required forms. If you are seeking a degree at North Central and fail to disclose that you have attended other academic institutions prior to your enrollment at North Central, you are violating the Student Code of Conduct Standards and are jeopardizing your continued enrollment at North Central.
2. Academic Dishonesty, misconduct, cheating or plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty including acquisition without permission of tests or other academic materials. Included are those students who aid and abet, as well as those who attempt such behavior. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use whether by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear attribution. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.
Incidents of academic dishonesty shall be dealt with according to the procedures outlined in Academic Dishonesty Process.
3. Forgery, alteration or misuse of College documents, records or identification, or forging a College staff person's name or initials.
4. Disruption or unauthorized interruption of college activities.
5. Any form of harassment toward an individual or group of individuals. NOTE: The Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act defines sexual harassment as “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature” when such “conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's …education… or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive… educational…environment."
6. Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that unreasonably interferes with another and creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
7. Conduct or expressions of a disorderly, obscene or sexually offensive nature contrary to generally recognized community standards of propriety or good taste.
8. Theft of, or damage to, property of the College or a member of the College community or campus visitor.
9. Unauthorized entry to and/or use of College facilities and equipment. Also, possession of keys or duplication of College keys without proper authorization.
10. The distribution, use, possession or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs or controlled substances on campus. Federal/State laws related to underage drinking/drug laws will be enforced with the assistance of appropriate authorities.
11. Violation of Tobacco-Free Policy
12. Disobedience of College officials or designated agents acting in the performance of their duty.
13. Tampering with Fire Fighting Equipment and Fire Drills. Pulling false fire alarms, tampering with or misusing fire alarm systems, interfering with firemen and tampering with or removing fire-fighting equipment are prohibited. All persons are expected to follow posted building evacuation procedures in the event of fires or fire drills. 9
14. Soliciting. Soliciting in campus buildings or on campus grounds is prohibited. Exceptions are made for ticket sales for campus functions only when approved by the Dean of Student Services. Students are not allowed to use their residence hall rooms for any commercial purpose.
15. Gambling. Gambling of any kind is not permitted on the campus or at College sponsored events.
16. Use and/or misuse of the College computer system, facilities, hardware, software and all computerized information is prohibited in the following circumstance, including but not to be limited to:
a) Unauthorized entry into a file, whether to use, read, change or for any other purpose.
b) Unauthorized transfer of a file.
c) Unauthorized use of another individual's identification and password.
d) Use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member or College official.
e) Use of computing facilities to send obscene or abusive messages.
f) Use of computing facilities to interfere with normal operation of the College's computing system.
g) Use of computing facilities in a manner which violates state or federal copyright laws, e.g., unauthorized duplication of copyrighted or licensed software.
17. The possession or use of explosives, weapons, firearms, knives or fireworks.
Procedure for Student Code of Conduct Violations
Any member of the College community may file charges against a student for an alleged violation of the Student Conduct Standards. These charges must be filed in writing. Email submissions are acceptable. Once charges have been formally filed, the following procedure will be observed:
1. The Dean of Student Services will investigate the allegation and determine if a hearing is necessary. Notification to the accused parties of the alleged violation will be made within 10 (ten) working days. The student may exercise one of two options.
a). The student may proceed directly to a Judicial Committee, which will be responsible for making a decision and forwarding the decision to the Dean of Student Services for implementation. The Dean of Student Services will appoint a Judicial Committee composed of three full-time college employees and two students. The Dean will appoint one of the employees to chair the hearing. The members of this committee must have no vested interest in the matter. The Dean of Student Services shall not serve on this committee.
b). If the student chooses not to contest the charge, he/she may waive the right of a Committee hearing and request the matter of penalty be determined by the Dean.
2. The Judicial Committee has the responsibility of hearing the charges against the student and reviewing the evidence. The hearing will take place within ten working days following the student's receipt of the written charges. A verbatim record, such as an audio recording will be made of all hearings. This record remains the property of the College. Within one working week following the hearing, the Committee will submit its final decision (in writing) to the Dean of Student Services.
3. The Dean of Student Services will implement the Committee's decision which may include sanctions imposed on the student. The Dean will then inform the student of the decision within three working days of the receipt of the Judicial Committee's decision.
4. Appeal Procedure: The accused student shall receive written notification of the outcome of the hearing (or meeting with the Dean) as well as any sanctions or referrals if required. The accused student has the right to appeal. Written appeal must be received by the Dean of Student Services within 10 (ten) working days of the date of the written notification of Judicial Committee hearing, or to the President of the College if the hearing was conducted by the Dean of Student Services.
Student Right to Due Process
Due process rights extend to the procedures for “Student Code of Conduct Violations” and “Academic Dishonesty.” Due process at North Central means that a student has the following rights:
A. To be informed in writing of the specific charges and the grounds for such charges.
B. To have a chosen advisor or counselor or lawyer (at the student's own expense) present for advice before, during and/or after any judicial hearing. The role of this individual is limited to an advisory capacity with no right of cross-examination.
C. To be present at such hearing, if desired.
D. To exercise a privilege against self-incrimination.
E. To hear or examine evidence presented to the committee reviewing the case and to present evidence by witnesses or affidavit of any defense the student desires. Further, the student shall be given the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses.
F. To be informed in writing of the Dean or the Committee's final decision.
G. To waive the right of a formal hearing before the Committee and to have the case heard by the appropriate Dean.
H. To appeal the decision of the Dean or Judicial Committee to the President for review of disciplinary due process.
Disciplinary Actions
Violations of the Student Code of Conduct Standards are subject to disciplinary action. After considering information presented at a hearing, the Dean of Student Services or the Campus Judicial Committee will make a decision as to guilt or innocence. In the case of a "guilty" decision, the Dean of Student Services or the Campus Judicial Committee will determine the appropriate sanction. Appropriate action may include, but is not limited to:
1. Warning:
A "Warning" is an official reprimand which expresses College dissatisfaction with the student's conduct and which clarifies expected behavior in the future.
2. Probation:
"Probation" status indicates that any violation of Student Code of Conduct Standards within the probationary period shall result in more severe disciplinary action against the student that could include suspension from the institution. Probation in itself does not carry with it any restrictions; but, in addition to probation, it is possible for a student to be required to complete a work assignment, make restitution or be prohibited from holding an office or representing the College in any activity.
3. Removal from a Course:
If removal from a course occurs, a student may continue to attend other classes, but may not resume attendance in the course from which he or she has been removed. In the event a student is removed from a course, he or she will be given either a withdrawal or a failure in accordance with the College's course withdrawal policy.
4. Suspension:
"Suspension" is an action that separates the student from the institution for a definite period of time (days, weeks, semesters, etc.) Such action will specify the conditions required for readmission, as well as the date the student will be eligible to return.
5. Expulsion:
"Expulsion" is an action that permanently separates the student from the institution.
6. Specific Orders:
"Specific Orders" is an action which may stand-alone or be issued with another sanction. Specific orders may include, but are not limited to, performance or nonperformance of specific acts, loss of certain privileges, and payment of fines and/or restitution.
Interim Suspension
In certain circumstances, the Dean of Student Services or his/her designee, may impose a suspension prior to the hearing before a Judicial Committee.
A. Interim suspension may be imposed only:
1. To ensure the safety and well-being of members of the college community or preservation of college property.
2. To ensure the student’s own physical or emotional safety and well-being.
3. If the student poses a definite threat of disruption or interference with the normal conduct of operations of the College.
B. During the period of interim suspension the student shall be denied access to the campus (including being barred from classes) and/or all other college activities or privileges for which he/she might otherwise be eligible as the Dean of Student Services may determine to be appropriate.
C. The interim suspension shall continue until the student’s due process procedures are complete. The hearing for this matter should be held as soon as is practicable.
Student Complaint Process-initiated by the Student
Step One: Student meets with faculty/ staff member(s) in an attempt to mutually resolve the matter. This discussion must take place within ten (10) days of the alleged incident.
Step Two: If the matter is not resolved at Step One, the student may proceed to Step Two. Within fifteen (15) days of the alleged incident, file a Student Complaint Form (click here to download the Student Complaint Form). The matter will be investigated by the appropriate party. If a hearing is determined to be necessary, the student has two options:
1. The student may proceed to a Judicial Committee, which will be responsible for making a decision and forwarding it to the Dean for implementation;
2. The student may request that the appropriate Dean or Assistant Dean handle the case. The Dean/Assistant Dean shall decide the case within ten (10) days of the Student Complaint Form being filed.
The Judicial Committee will be composed of three full-time college employees and two students and will be appointed by the Dean/Assistant Dean. The Dean/Assistant Dean will appoint one of the employees to chair the hearing. The members of this committee must have no vested interest in the matter. The Dean/Assistant Dean shall not sit on this committee. The Judicial Committee shall meet within ten (10) days of the Dean’s or Assistant Dean’s appointment.
If a student believes that a final course grade received is incorrect or unfair, the student may follow this appeal process:
1. The student must notify the instructor in writing no later than ten (10) working days from the release of semester grades. Email submissions are also acceptable. The student and instructor should discuss all the factors that were instrumental in determining the grade. If the instructor is not available, the student may meet with the appropriate Associate Dean. A written response to the appeal will be made within ten (10) working days.
2. If a student wishes to appeal the decision of the instructor, he/she may do so by submitting an appeal, in writing, to the appropriate Associate Dean within ten (10) working days after the instructor’s decision. The Associate Dean will have ten (10) working days to consider and respond to the appeal. If the Associate Dean assigned the grade, the student’s appeal will move from step 1 to step 3.
3. If a student wishes to take further action, he/she may appeal the previous decision, in writing, to the Dean of Instruction. The appeal must be delivered to the Dean within ten (10) working days of the previous decision. The Dean will consider the appeal and may request additional information from the student and/or the instructor. The Dean will have ten (10) working days to consider and respond to the appeal.
4. If the student wishes to take further action, a written appeal may be made to the President of the College within ten (10) working days of receiving the previous decision. The President will have ten (10) working days to consider and respond in writing to the appeal. The President’s decision will be the final determination and the conclusion of the appeal process.
Section V
High School Instructors
North Central Michigan College relies on its instructors at all locations to provide the highest possible academics experience for students through engaged and effective teaching. The diverse backgrounds of North Central faculty members enable students to have a range of perspectives throughout their educational careers.
North Central’s institutional accreditor, the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), has been very active in the past several years in promoting guidelines for determining faculty qualifications in all disciplines. College faculty members at all locations meet the same qualifications and high expectations as described below, except insofar as specific extensions have been approved by the Higher Learning Commission after application from North Central.*
Specifically, the HLC notes:
“Qualified faculty members are identified primarily by credentials, but other factors, including but not limited to equivalent experience, may be considered by the institution in determining whether a faculty member is qualified. … When faculty members are employed based on equivalent experience, the institution defines a minimum threshold of experience and an evaluation process that is used in the appointment process. Faculty teaching in general education courses, or other non-occupational courses, hold a master’s degree or higher in the discipline or subfield. If a faculty member holds a master’s degree or higher in a discipline or subfield other than that in which he or she is teaching, that faculty member should have completed a minimum of 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline or subfield in which they teach” (Higher Learning Commission 2016, p. 3).
“Faculty teaching in career and technical education college-level certificate and occupational associate’s degree programs should hold a bachelor’s degree in the field and/or a combination of education, training, and tested experience. (Note: See the Tested Experience section below.) Such qualifications are allowable even in instances where technical/occupational courses transfer, which HLC recognizes is an increasing practice (Higher Learning Commission 2016, p. 4).
“Tested experience may substitute for an earned credential or portions thereof. … This experience should be tested experience in that it includes a breadth and depth of experience outside of the classroom in real-world situations relevant to the discipline in which the faculty member would be teaching. (Note: Tested experience, as is explained in the following section on dual credit, is typically not based exclusively on years of teaching experience, although other experiential factors as noted below may be considered on a case-by-case basis) (Higher Learning Commission 2016, p. 4).
“…HLC determined that accredited institutions awarding college credit by means of dual credit arrangements must assure the quality and integrity of such offerings and their compatibility to the same college credit offered on the institution’s main campus or at the institution’s other locations. As such, the faculty members teaching dual credit courses should hold the same minimal qualifications as required by the institution of its own faculty. … This requirement is not intended to discount or in any way diminish the experience that the high school teacher brings into a dual credit classroom. Such classroom experience alone, however lengthy or respected, is not a substitute for the content knowledge needed for college credit” (Higher Learning Commission 2016, p. 5).
At North Central, all prospective faculty are divided into two broad categories that reflect their primary teaching role: general education / transfer courses or occupational courses. The requirements for faculty qualifications differ depending on the type of North Central course the faculty member will teach.
Broadly speaking, whenever a prospective faculty member wishes to offer a North Central course, s/he should convey that interest first to their high school administration.
The high school administration will in turn contact the Director of Student Outreach and Engagement at North Central with the request and the prospective faculty member’s credentials; North Central administration will review the request and the credentials and communicate back to the high school administration either the approval or denial of the request or the need for further documentation.
If North Central asks for further documentation regarding a candidate’s request, it may be more expeditious if the faculty member works directly with the North Central Associate Dean who is examining the documentation; once the Associate Dean has made a decision regarding the faculty’s qualifications, s/he will convey that information back to North Central’s Director of Student Outreach and Engagement, who will in turn communicate back to the high school administration and the prospective faculty member.
For general education and transfer courses (English, Communications, Humanities, Languages other than English, Math, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences):
Route 1: the faculty member is expected to hold a master’s degree in the discipline or relevant sub-field as applicable; or
Route 2: if the master’s is held in another discipline, the faculty member should hold at least 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline in which he or she teaches; or
Route 3: if the master’s is held in another discipline, the faculty member should present a combination of graduate credits in the relevant discipline according to this schedule (candidate must present a minimum of nine (9) credits in the discipline or subfield):
Graduate Credits in Relevant Discipline | Minimum Relevant Professional Experience (Full-Time) |
9 | 2 Years |
12 | 1.5 Years |
15 | 1 Year |
--Tested experience of the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA’s) consistent with the federal Office of Personnel Management’s General Schedule (GS) classification system at the GS 7 level for that discipline. Per HLC guidelines, time in service alone is not sufficient to receive credit toward this category of “tested” experience.
Candidates for teaching general education / transfer courses using Routes 1 and 2 should experience little difficulty in demonstrating their qualifications; candidates seeking qualification using Route 3, should provide their most current, updated and complete credentials and experience, and to review the GS classification series for that area, where such series exist, and specifically the requirements expected at the GS-7 level.
For general education and transfer areas that do not have a corresponding GS-7 level position through OPM, or whose professional experiences may not entirely align with the GS position description (e.g., language specialist series) the general process for vetting on the basis of tested experience is the same, with an initial meeting between the candidate and Associate Dean to review credentials, and to consider any request by the candidate for consideration of tested experience.
However, where no GS-07 level position in the academic discipline exists (e.g., language instruction or translation in American Sign Language or Anishinaaabemowin; chaplaincy or other professional work in Religion; journalistic or other work with Communications), demonstration of appropriate experience at the corresponding conversion rate, with clearly defined means of tested experience shall be recognized.
The candidate shall furnish documentation to the Associate Dean that substantiates both time in service and KSA equivalency. At that time, the Associate Dean will complete a written confirmation of the applicable academic credits, appropriate conversion rate and documentation of professional experience, as well as evidence of the test(s) used to account for the substitution of experience.
While the above forms of tested experience may be considered for areas that do not have equivalent GS-7 positions, they also are subject to the condition that academic credentials remain the primary means of vetting; as such, candidates are still expected to furnish evidence of nine graduate credits in the relevant discipline, interdisciplinary field, or sub-field, as appropriate.
The Associate Dean shall determine if the documentation meets the standards expected under the GS equivalency system. Should the prospective faculty member or the high school administration wish to appeal the decision regarding these qualifications, either may do so directly to North Central’s Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Success.
For Occupational Courses (Accounting, Business, Computer Information Systems, Computer-Numeric-Controlled Operator, Criminal Justice, Economics, Information Technology, Management, Marketing, Office Administrative Services):
Route 1: the faculty member is expected to hold a master’s degree in the discipline or relevant sub-field as applicable; or
Route 2: if the master’s is held in another discipline, the faculty member should hold at least 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline in which he or she teaches; or
Route 3: if the candidate does not hold a master’s degree, he or she will be expected to present documentation of the following combination of academic credentials and tested experience and state or industry licensure, certifications, or badges as applicable to the specific discipline being requested.
Minimum Academic Credential | And Equivalent Tested Experience | And State or Industry Licensure, Certifications, Badges as Applicable |
e.g. CPA, MOS Expert, MCOLES, EMS, NIMS, RN, CMA, CST, CPT, CNA | ||
BA/BS with concentration in teaching field | 2 years (4000 hours) work experience in field | |
BA/BS with minor in teaching field | 4 years (8000 hours) work experience in field | |
AA/AS/AAS in teaching field | 8 years (16000 hours) work experience in field |
As with candidates for teaching general education / transfer courses, candidates in occupational areas using Routes 1 and 2 should experience little difficulty in demonstrating their qualifications; candidates seeking qualification using Route 3, should provide their most current, updated and complete credentials and experience.
Should the prospective faculty member or the high school administration wish to appeal the decision regarding these qualifications, either may do so directly to North Central’s Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Success.
In conclusion, North Central welcomes the opportunity to bring a college-level experience to area high school students through our dual credit programs and is deeply committed to working closely with high school administration and faculty to ensure proper faculty qualification and a process of working toward such qualification that will benefit students, high schools, and North Central alike.
*At its November 2015 meeting, the Higher Learning Commission Board of Trustees resolved to provide an opportunity for member institutions with dual credit programs to apply for extensions related to compliance of faculty qualifications in these programs. North Central will certainly apply for such an extension, but the maximum length of time possible for such an extension will be five years. It is expected that all North Central faculty, including those in dual credit programs, will ultimately be qualified identically.
Documentation for general education / transfer faculty qualification may include, but is not limited to:
- Supervisory evaluations specifying nature of work completed with specific knowledge, skills, attributes (KSAs) required
- Contracts and client evaluations specifying specific duties and scope of work completed, for self-employed candidates
- Letter certifying qualification from the appropriate tribal executive body
- Letter from a recognized body or organization certifying qualification in a language for which graduate academic study is not readily available (e.g., American Sign Language)
- Recognized, independent systems of testing, including the American Council of Teaching
Foreign Language/Language Testing International (ACTFL/LTI)
- For those desiring experience equivalency in languages that are tested by ACTFL/LTI:
- All four dimensions of communication must be tested: reading, writing, speaking (interview), and listening
- The candidate must receive Superior ratings or higher in each of the areas for them to count toward tested experience equivalency.
- For those desiring experience equivalency in languages that are tested by ACTFL/LTI:
- Other external certifications or credentials from recognized bodies, as applicable.
- Juried or otherwise competitively ranked and awarded pieces of work appropriate to the field
- Peer-reviewed publication(s) in appropriate venues relevant to the field
- Academic transcript data indicating performance in the relevant discipline to be taught
- Other documents or experience, as deemed appropriate by the Associate Dean, and, if necessary, the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Success.
Documentation for occupational faculty qualifications may include, but is not limited to:
Program | Industry Recognized Certifications | |
Accounting |
Legal Assistant | NALA - National Association of Legal Assistants (Paralegals) NALS - The Association for Legal Professionals |
Hospitality | American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) | |
Criminal Justice |
MCSA SQL Server Certification |
NCLEX, Train the Trainer, Clinical Skills Observer (Prometric) | |
CNC/Manufacturing | National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) | |
Michigan Instructor Coordinator (I/C) License appropriate to level of instruction |
IT | MCSA Windows 8 and MCSA Windows Server Certiport Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Exams Certiport 98-366 MTA Networking Fundamentals (IT101) Certiport 98-349 MTA Windows OS Fundamentals (IT112) Certiport 98-365 MTA Windows Server Admin Fundamentals (IT122) Certiport 98-367 MTA Security Fundamentals (IT222) |
Management | Human Resources certs, SHRM-SCP/CP; SPHR/PHR Supply Chain Mgmt certs, CLA/CLT (Cert Logistics Assoc/Tech) Project Mgmt certs, PMP |
Medical Office Assistant | CMA (AAMA), NRCMA & CPT, Current Procedural Technology | |
Nursing | National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), RN-BC | |
Office Administration | MOS Expert or Master certifications | |
Phlebotomy | CPT, NCCT (Phlebotomy tech in surgery) & ASCP | |
Surgical Technologist | CST, TS-C, CORST, & NCCT |
- As with general education / transfer, other documents or experience, as deemed appropriate by the Associate Dean, and, if necessary, the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Instructor Responsibilities and Expectations
Role of Faculty Liaison-see section on Faculty Liaison
Dual Enroll/Early College Faculty Orientation
Course Syllabi
Classroom set-up
Early Alert
- Poor attendance
- Missing/incomplete assignments
- Poor grades
- Classroom behavior/attitude
- Poor Preparation/participation
- Lack of Study skills
Classroom Visits
- Instructor's knowledge and understanding of the topic
- Strength of the instructor's presentation
- Extent that the course content is representative of the university course
- Classroom atmosphere which encourages learning and an exchange of information
- Student interest and involvement
- Instructor/student relationship
- Grading policies, examinations used, criteria for grade
- Observation of weaknesses that may interfere with the desired outcome of the course. These may relate to procedural concerns, time management, facilities, availability of supplementary resources, etc.
- How well the course is progressing
- Students' abilities, interest, and involvement
- Grading and assessment criteria
- Instructional strategies & evaluation
- Recommendations/concerns with course implementation
Grade Submission
Final Grades
Course Assessments
Illness/Medical Leave/Substitution
Section VI
Faculty Liaison
The quality and academic rigor of the North Central Now! program is heavily dependent on the active participation of the faculty liaison. All courses offered through NCN that have high school instructors are required to have a North Central faculty liaison to provide curriculum oversight and support.
Faculty Liaison Responsibilities
Section VII
Accessibility Services
Accessibility Services office offer accommodations to our students based on their documented disability. Our Accessibility Services Coordinator works with students that have documented disabilities and can be contacted at 231-348-6619. Accommodations may range from longer test-taking times to more conducive physical facilities in the classroom. A student needs to initiate this process by completing an Accommodation Application through their portal, by clicking on the ‘Accommodate (student)’ button and submitting the application. Once submitted the coordinator will be in contact with the student to review and approve any accommodations required based on their documented disability. When accommodations are approved, Faculty will receive a notification e-mail identifying the student and the reasonable accommodations that a student may require. The student will work with their faculty regarding the accommodations that have been approved and if any questions the student and/or faculty are to work with the Accessibility Services Coordinator. Accommodations are to be approved through this office and arrangements for accommodations are not to be made without the express written approval from the coordinator.
Concurrent enrolled students will need to follow the same procedure and the coordinator will process requests and if necessary, will contact local schools.
Tutoring and Testing Center
Library Services
- Primary Sources
- Peer-Reviewed Sources
- Citation Help
- Database Navigation
- Critical Analyses of your paper
- Reference and research interviews.