Policy Manual
North Central's Policy Manual Includes Two Sections
Section A Contains:
Ability to Bind -100
Authorized Signatures - 101
Awarding Honorary Degrees - 116
Bidding - 102
Depositories - 103
Emeritus Appointments - 117
Ethical Standards for Faculty, Staff, Administration, and Board of Trustees - 114
Fundraising - 104
Handling of Funds - 105
Lobbying Policy - 115
Naming Opportunities for Campus Buildings and Campus Enhancements - 106
Presidential Scholarships - 107
Refunds - 108
Residency for Tuition - 110
Security Transfers - 111
Senior Citizen Enrollment - 112
Service Fee Policy - 109
Undesignated Donations - 113
Academic Assessment - 200
Academic Calendar - 201
Academic Degrees, Programs & Courses - 213
Academic Probation/Suspension - 202
Academic Standards - 203
Copyright Policy - 211
Credit for Prior Learning - 212
Credit Hour Definition - 217
Directed/Independent Study - 204
General Education - 214
Intellectual Property - 205
Attachment 1 - Intellectual Property Disclosure - 205.1
Attachment 2 - Agreement to Share Research Materials - 205.2
Attachment 3 - Acknowledgment of NCMC Ownership - 205.3
ITV/Videoconferencing Room Policies on Class Cancellation, College Break, and Penalties
- 206
Learning Support Services Acceptable Use - 207
Library Access - 208
Library Conduct - 209
Outcomes Assessment (Assessment of Student Learning) - 216
Program Review - 215
Travel - 210
Academic Forgiveness Policy - 315
Admission and Enrollment - 300
Enrollment of Undocumented Aliens - 300.1
Multiple Credentials - 310
Non-Emergency Text Messaging - 312
Posthumous Degrees - 316
Record Suspension (Hold) - 301
Repeating Courses for Improvement of Grade - 302
Return of Title IV Funds - 313
Satisfactory Academic Progress - 311
Solicitation - 303
Student Called to Active Military Duty During Semester - 314
Student Conduct - 304
Student Name Change - 305
Student Organizations - 306
Student Records and Information - 307
Student Standards of Conduct - 308
Withdrawal Policy - 309
Section B Contains:
Bulletin Board Posting Policy - 419
Campus Safety and Security Policy - 404
Campus Security Policies and Procedures - 400
Campus Security System - 422
Children on Campus - 401
College Natural Area Conduct Policy - 407
Discrimination Grievance Procedures - 409
Drug-Free School Policy - 402
Drug-Free Workplace Policy - 403
Firearms Policy - 405
Freedom of Assembly - 406
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Required Information Security Program - 427
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Required Information Security Program - 427
NCMC Colors - 410
Non-Discriminatory Policy - 408
Parking Policy - 411
Persona Non Grata Status for Nonstudent Visitors - 412
Pets on Campus - 413
Privacy Policy - 421
Public Use of NCMC Facilities - 414
Record Retention, Disposal, and Archive Policy - 424
Flexible Work Options Policy - 425
Sexual Harassment - 415
Inclement Weather - 417
Tobacco-Free Policy - 416
Van Policy - 418
Information Technology Resources Use Policy - 420
Direct Network/Internet Connection NCMC Residence Halls Agreement - 511
Guest Policy - 502
Residence Hall Contract Information - 500
Residence Hall Courteous and Quiet Hours - 501
Residence Hall Fire Safety - 503
Residence Hall Student Grievance Process - 507
Room Damages - 504
Room Entry Policy - 505
Rough Play - 506
Student Housing - 508
Student Residence Hall Rooms: Non-Fraternizations - 509
Violations in the Residence Hall - 510
NOTE: If any provision(s) of these policies conflicts with laws applicable to North
Central Michigan College, including the Community College Act of 1966, the Freedom
of Information Act, or the Open Meetings Act, as each may be amended from time to
time, such laws shall control and supersede such provision(s).

Questions? I can help!
Melissa Mansfield
Executive Assistant to the President and Board of Trustees