Equipment Rental Rates
The following list reflects the rental rate per event. Equipment and room rental is based on availability. Rates are subject to change.
Item: | Rental Rate Per Event: |
Audio Mixer |
$25 |
Blu-Ray/DVD Player | $10 |
Conference Phone & Calling Bridge | $35 |
Conference Rooms for Teams, Zoom or Webex (Health Education & Science Center Room 369, Borra Learning Center Room 123) | $50 |
DI Box | $20 |
Document Camera | $15 |
Large Venue Setup for Athletics Center Gymnasium (incudes projector, screen, built-in audio) | $250 |
Network Drop (Nonexisting) | $75 |
Portable Audio Setup, including microphone (lav or handheld) and speaker | $35 |
Portable Laptop | $50 |
Portable Podium | $25 |
Portable Screen & Projector (no computer) | $50 |
Portable Speaker (JBL - 2 available) | $25 |
Portable Television | $50 |
Portable Video Conferencing (includes screen & webcam) | $50 |
Stage (4x8) per section | $25 |
Video Camera (no technician) & Tripod (digital copy) | $50 |
Video Streaming Event (Tricaster, 2 cameras, audio & Panopto link - requires full-time staff for entire event) | $250 |
IT Staffing by North Central Personnel
Level of Staffing Support: | Rate: |
IT Onsite Student Staffing (Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) | $15 per hour |
IT Onsite Full-Time Staffing (Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) | $50 per hour |
IT Support - Event Start Only (full-time or student; Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) | $15 per occurrence |
IT Onsite Student Staffing (after hours) | $15 per hour |
IT Onsite Full-Time Staffing (after hours) | $100 per hour |
IT Support - Event Start Only (full-time or student; after hours) | $50 per occurrence |

Questions? I can help!
Laura Wolgast
Director of Food Service and Conference Center