Bringing your college dream within reach
Through generous donations from the community, North Central makes available a variety of scholarships. Our Scholarship Committee is dedicated to assessing the qualifications of students seeking scholarship funding.
Types of scholarships
- North Central Foundation Scholarships (for registered North Central students)
- North Central Presidential Scholarships (for graduating high school and home-school seniors in North Central's service area)
- North Central Tip of the Mitt Scholarship (in partnership with the Meijer Foundation)
Foundation Scholarships
North Central awards a number of endowment scholarships and scholarships contributed by annual donors.
Scholarship applications for 2024-2025 will be accepted during two cycles. Applications are available only during the dates shown.
- Cycle 1: Open March 15—August 15
- For Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 awards
- Students awarded Cycle 1 scholarship funds do not need to apply during Cycle 2.
- Cycle 2: Open October 15—December 15
- For Winter 2025 awards only
Students must complete the NCMC General Application to be considered for any and all
NCMC scholarships. Upon completion of the NCMC General Scholarship Application, eligible
·will automatically be matched to NCMC scholarship opportunities, and
·have the opportunity to view the Recommended Scholarship page under the Opportunities
Additional action is required for the Recommended NCMC Scholarships such as providing
an additional essay, letter(s) of recommendation, or answering an additional question(s).
- Can be full-time or part-time depending upon the scholarship awarded.
- Be registered for 3 or more credits.
- Many scholarships have a need component; therefore, it is highly recommended students complete the FAFSA.
- Preference given to students with a 2.0 or better grade point average, some scholarships require a grade point average higher than 2.0.
- Recipients must continue to meet the criteria for the scholarship awarded.
- Students who have the classification of Guest, Dual Enrolled, Early College, Non-degree Seeking or Personal Interest are ineligible for North Central scholarships.
- At the end of each open period, any student applications not awarded will be inactive.
- Students who were not awarded will need to complete another application when the next open period occurs.
Presidential Scholarships
The Presidential Scholarship is offered to a graduating senior from each of our service area high schools and to one graduating senior from home-schooled students within our service area. The scholarship provides full tuition and mandatory fees for four consecutive semesters immediately following high school graduation.
Presidential Scholarship selection criteria
Choose a student type below to see specific scholarship selection criteria.
To be considered for a high school Presidential Scholarship, a student shall:
- Complete an online Application for Admission to North Central by April 3 of their graduation year,
- Be a valedictorian, salutatorian, or have a 3.5 overall high school grade point average,
- Be nominated by the high school, which includes:
- A letter from the candidate's high school principal,
- A high school transcript complete through the nominee's seventh semester, and
- ACT/SAT scores (Test scores as of the deadline date will be used to determine the
candidate's eligibility.)
- Qualifying ACT/SAT scores:
- ACT score of 18 or above in English and a Reading score of 21 or above;
- SAT two-digit score of 25 or above in both English and Reading;
- SAT three-digit score of 500 or above in English/Reading/Writing (ERW)
- Qualifying ACT/SAT scores:
Please send all nomination documents to the Vice President of Student Affairs.
To be considered for a home-school Presidential Scholarship, a student shall:
- Complete an online Application for Admission to North Central by April 3 of their graduation year.
- Have a minimum 3.5 overall high school grade point average (include a high school transcript complete through the nominee’s seventh semester).
- Submit a recommendation letter that addresses their academic potential and leadership qualities.
- Submit a statement that addresses academic and career goals and how North Central will help to meet those goals.
- Submit ACT/SAT scores. Below are the qualifying scores:
- ACT score of 18 or above in English and a Reading score of 21 or above;
- SAT two-digit score of 25 or above in both English and Reading;
- SAT three-digit score of 500 or above in English/Reading/Writing (ERW)
Please send all nomination documents to the Vice President of Student Affairs.
Presidential Scholarship requirements and benefits
Presidential Scholarships are offered for full tuition (up to 20 contact hours per semester), and mandatory fees for four consecutive semesters (fall and winter only). Field study fees are not included. The scholarship will be subject to the additional following conditions:
Presidential Scholarships are offered for full tuition (up to 20 contact hours per semester), and mandatory fees for four consecutive semesters (fall and winter only). Field study fees are not included. The scholarship will be subject to the additional following conditions:
- Scholarship recipients must register for the Fall semester immediately following their spring high school graduation.
- Scholarship recipients are required to attend a retreat at North Central's Petoskey campus at the end of August, including a reception for scholarship recipients and their families.
- Recipients must meet with a designated academic advisor each semester they are enrolled at North Central.
- Recipients must register for a minimum of 12 credit hours, which count toward graduation. Courses must be taken for credit, not audit status.
- Scholarships may be renewed for three consecutive semesters beyond the first award provided a 3.0 minimum term GPA is maintained each semester and 75% of credit hours successfully completed.
- Recipients must observe published College behavioral standards.
- Scholarships are for North Central Michigan College only and not transferable.
Scholarship recipients must become involved in a leadership program as provided by North Central.
Tip of the Mitt Scholarship
North Central’s Tip of the Mitt Scholarship is intended for first-generation students who will graduate high school with a 2.5 or higher GPA and are unsure if they want — or how they could afford — to attend college. While first-generation students will be given preference, non-first-generation students may be considered as funding and space allow.
The scholarship covers two years (four consecutive semesters) at North Central or completion of an associate degree or certificate program, whichever comes first. It includes tuition (up to 20 contact hour/semester), mandatory fees, and books purchased through the College Bookstore. The scholarship can also be used for summer courses. Other forms of financial aid will be applied first.
Tip of the Mitt Scholarship: Eligibility Criteria
- Seniors attending high school or homeschooling in the NCMC service area. For details, please contact NCMC Student Services at 231-348-6605.
- First-generation college students preferred
- High school GPA of at least 2.5
- Must enroll at NCMC for the Fall semester immediately following high school graduation
- Agree to participate in the following Student Success Program requirements:
- Team Building Day and Reception in late August
- North Central Day at the end of August
- College Success course, first semester only, as scheduled
- Two campus activities per semester (ex: Student Senate, athletic event, student club, Luncheon Lecture, tutoring, volunteering)
- Meet with academic advisor to register for classes and make an educational plan
- Meet with Student Success Coordinator regularly
- Meet with Career Development Specialist once per year
- Optional opportunity for leadership in the second year of the program
- Team Building Day and Reception in late August
Tip of the Mitt Scholarship: Steps to Apply
Application opens in mid-February. Recipients will be notified by the end of April.
- Apply and become an accepted North Central student (
- Complete the FAFSA (
- Complete the Tip of the Mitt Scholarship application
Learn about and apply for available NCMC scholarships.
Explore the many scholarships available through the NCMC Foundation.
Learn More and Apply