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Student Accommodations at North Central

North Central is committed to providing equal opportunities and access for all students. North Central provides student accommodations following the guidance of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Our accessibility services coordinator will also assist students living in the residence hall, including dietary accommodations, service animals, or emotional support animals.

How do students request course accommodations*?

  1. Apply and enroll for class at North Central Michigan College. For housing accommodations, please register to live in our dorm.
  2. Complete North Central’s Application for Accommodations form.
  3. Call Student Services to schedule an appointment: 231-348-6605.
  4. Contact or call 231-348-6605 with questions or concerns.

*Timing: For requests including contracted services (e.g., interpreter), specialized equipment, or assistive technology, please make requests as soon as possible (at least two weeks before the start of the semester) to ensure adequate time to arrange the accommodations.


To determine eligibility for accommodations, students are required to provide documentation of your disability and it’s impact on your access to North Central courses or college life. Acceptable forms of documentation include:

  • An IEP or 504 from a previous school
  • A report from a physician or mental health provider
  • A signed release of information that Student Services can use to request documentation from a previous school, physician, mental health provider or veterinarian.

Application for Accommodations

Dietary Accommodations

If a physician has diagnosed an individual living in our dorms with a food allergy or other food-related condition, this may constitute a disability under the Americans with Disability Act. North Central complies with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We will make reasonable dietary modifications to accommodate students with disabilities, including food allergies.

North Central Michigan College (NCMC) recognizes that mealtimes provide a social opportunity to enjoy conversation, relaxation, and good food. We offer a variety of foods that promote a healthy lifestyle. We also recognize that some individuals have food allergies or medical conditions that require them more time and effort to manage their diet. We make every effort to provide helpful information to members of our campus community who have to manage their unique dietary needs when eating on campus.

  • The Iron Horse Café offers a wide variety of items and can accommodate many special diets within the dining hall during the academic year.
  • The dining hall offers gluten-free and vegetarian options daily.
  • Our trained staff will answer questions and help with selections from the many alternatives provided on our regular menus to meet various dietary needs. We will also offer ingredient information individuals need to be able to make informed and safe choices.
  • Signs posted at both entry points of the Iron Horse Café alert all entering our dining area that we serve foods containing the eight major food allergens (shellfish, fish, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, milk, eggs).

Food Related Medical Needs 

If a physician has diagnosed an individual with a life-threatening food allergy or other food-related condition, this may constitute a disability under the Americans with Disability Act. NCMC complies with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. We will make reasonable modifications in policies, practices, and procedures when necessary to accommodate students with disabilities, including food allergies.

Purpose of these Guidelines

The purpose of these guidelines is to: (1) alert the NCMC Community to the existence of food allergies and the importance of keeping students with food allergies safe; (2) notify students of the process for accommodating food allergies and food-related medical needs; and (3) make students with food allergies aware of their responsibility to keep themselves safe.

The student will:

  • Carry medication such as Epinephrine injector (pen) as prescribed. Students are responsible for managing their prescription(s) to ensure they are current (not expired).
  • Identify themselves to food service staff each time food is ordered-- as arranged in the student’s plan.
  • Inform NCMC staff any time they experience symptoms of a food related medical reaction such as an allergic reaction.
  • Ask the director or managers rather than dining staff about ingredients, precautions to prevent cross-contact and special foods available on a daily basis.

Food Service will:

  • Make food free of allergen(s) identified in the student’s plan available at every meal.
  • Implement procedures to avoid cross-contact throughout dining services.
  • Provide information about ingredients and allergens for recipes when questions arise.
  • Provide a sanitized, allergy-free dining area when needed.
  • When no menu items are available to meet a student’s dietary needs, special foods will be made available, including foods cooked to order. This process will be laid out in the student’s Food Modification Plan.

For Students Living in our Residence Hall, North Central will:

  • Train resident advisors on student-specific dietary accommodations and medically-based dietary needs and allergies.
  • Students must notify roommate(s) and suitemate(s) about their food allergies.
  • Additional specific modifications will be included in the student’s food modification plan.

Academic Accommodations

  • Students will utilize Accessibility Student Guidelines to arrange appropriate academic accommodations when necessary.

Emotional Support or Service Animal Accommodations

North Central Michigan College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities on campus. To ensure the safety of all, North Central’s Guidelines Regarding Animals on Campus must be followed if you need to utilize a service or emotional support animal as an accommodation.

Guidelines for Animals on Campus

Veterinarian Clearance Form for ESA or Service Animals

Double Room

Per resident square footage: 105 square feet overall

Per resident open floor space (excluding furniture): 36.25 square feet

Single Room

Overall square footage: 210 square feet

Open floor space: 120 square feet

NCMC Dorm Room floor plan

Animal materials, cages/crates, and access must be limited to the owner’s area of the room. Please plan accordingly for the health, comfort, and needs of your animal, yourself, and your roommate (if applicable).

Single rooms at the double rate are only available to accommodate service animals, if the size of the animal and the needs of the individual warrants a larger living space. This determination is made on a case-by-case basis between the Director of Learning Support Services and the Director of Campus Housing.

Student Assistance

Student assistance is also available to any student who has formally enrolled in or declared an intent to enroll in an occupational certificate or occupational degree program at North Central and is qualified as one or more of the following:

  • Individuals with a disability
  • Individuals who are economically disadvantaged
  • Individuals preparing for nontraditional fields
  • Single parents
  • Individuals who are out of the workforce
  • Youth who are in or have aged out of the foster care system
  • English learners
  • Individuals who are homeless

Students who fit one of the above-listed descriptions qualify for scholarship funds, advocacy, career guidance, academic advising, personal counseling, tutoring, and special needs assistance.

Learning Technology & Digital Supports Technology and Education

Technologies designed for users with disabilities are called Assistive Technologies. However, these technologies are powerful tools that help any user become a more efficient and effective learner. Many of these technologies are free and readily available. The AT Hive website from Ireland is an excellent resource about a range of assistive technologies.

Each area below has free (and some paid) resources to help you achieve your educational goals.

  • Apple Dictation (iOS), free,
    • System Preferences
  • (website), free use with google
  • Gboard (google keyboard), free
    • App
  • Google Docs Voice Typing (needs chrome browser), free
    • Setting on Gboard and in Docs
  • Windows 10 speech recognition (included in Windows software), free
    • Dictate feature (location changes depending on whether using a PC or Mac)

  • Natural Reader (free)
    • Sign up to use as a browser extension or copy text into the window on the web.
  • Panopreter Basic (free)
  • Speak (Microsoft word), free
    • Immersive Reader/Read Aloud (location and name changes depending on computer)
  • Zabaware (Text-to-Speech Reader), free

  • SimpleMind (Apple and Android), free or paid
    • Helps with planning and organizing ideas for writing
  • Easybib (website), free
    • For help learning to cite resources
  • Grammarly (free or paid versions)
    • Grammar checks and recommended fixes
    • Works in Microsoft Word, Outlook and Google Docs

  • - app or on the web
    • First 600 minutes free/month. Max of 40 minutes/conversation.
    • Digitally records and transcribe lectures to help with note-taking
    • Search and playback recordings, highlight and add notes.
    • Works in Zoom and other applications
  • ListNote Speech-to-text notes (Android app), free

  • Pomodoro Timer (Free for Windows or Mac)
    • Tool to use with the Pomodoro Technique
  • Focus Keeper (Free iOS App for iPad or iPhone)
    • Another Pomodoro Technique tool

  • GoConqr (free website/app)
    • Create study tools
    • Share with friends or keep it private

Student Accessibility Services Assistance:


Scholarship Resources for Students with Disabilities

Resolving Concerns

North Central is committed to ensuring equal access to students who experience disabilities. The college complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended. We support the swift resolution of concerns related to accommodations for students who experience a disability. If there are problems with accommodations, accessing auxiliary aids and services, or related to discrimination, please contact Learning Support Services immediately at 231-348-6682 or .

External Discrimination Complaint

Students are encouraged to work through North Central’s internal process for a swift resolution. Students also have the right to file an external complaint of disability discrimination with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights.