Strategic Plan Details
Strategic Plan Details 2024-25
Strategic Priority 1 - Student Success
Strategic Goal 1 - Increase Student Success
1.1.a.1 Increase Success Rate (completion + transfer) by 2%
- 1.1.a.2. Increase Applications by 1%
- 1.1.a.3. Increase FTE (full time equivalents) students by 1%
- 1.1.a.4. Increase conversion rate of dual-enrolled student to full-time students after high school graduation by .6%
- 1.1.a.5. Increase fall to winter persistence by .8%
- 1.1.a.6. Increase fall year-to-year retention by .8%
- 1.1.a.7. Increase completion rate by .8%
- 1.1.a.8. Increase Transfer Rate by 1%.
- 1.1.a.9. Decrease course withdrawal rate by .4%
- IR Committee to review CCSSE information and present opportunities for improvement, if any, to cabinet by Dec. 31, 2024.
Sub Goal 1.2 - Student access, engagement, and support (Programs)
Determine disaggregated PERC rates for 9 objectives in 1.1.a.
- Institutionalize a Sense of Belonging for students to feel cared about, accepted,
respected and valued through the Pedagogy of Real Talk practices at North Central
through 2028.
- Grow the percent of faculty trained through Real Talk year-over-year.
- Increase sense of belonging by demonstrating improvement in survey results over previous years.
- Improve student persistence, retention and completion rates over previous years in alignment with or greater than the institutional PERC outcomes in Action Plan 1.1.a.
- Create and administer surveys to students in Presidential Leadership Class, Timberwolf
Leadership Academy and JEWEL scholarship program to gather feedback on:
- Program demand
- Value to the students
- Identify missing class content that may be helpful for future students
- Improve career opportunities offered to students through increasing:
- The Number of Career Services Appointments by 10%
- Outreach to Fast Track graduates for assistance in securing employment by 10%
- The Number of Career Coach Assessments Administered by 6%
Increase funding to the Student Emergency Fund - raise $50k by June 30, 2025.
Create an NCMC Academic Catch-Up Program for Summer 2025.
- Analyze existing scholarships for "spendability" then eliminate the amount of unspendable scholarship money by Aug 2025.
Sub Goal 1.3 - Facilities and technology (Places)
Complete the 5 Year Network Plan to bolster technology infrastructure that creates a more resilient, secure and technologically advanced campus network by Dec. 2024.
Strengthen network security with layered protections and improved infrastructure resilience, resulting in reduced downtime and enhanced threat management by Dec. 2024.
- Enhance network reliability and operational efficiency by expanding monitoring capabilities, implementing proactive maintenance, preparing the network for evolving demands and planning for hardware upgrades by June 2025.
Bring all classroom technology to a consistent platform to meet with needs of faculty for program delivery by June 2025.
"Primary Classroom" set up fully implemented and operational.
Complete revised "Secondary Room" set up with interactive TVs.
Complete evaluation of older upgraded rooms to determine if they fall within "Primary" or "Secondary" rooms.
Investigate options to upgrade "Specialty Room" 122.
- Complete CATEE Phase I and begin Phase II by Jun 2025.
- Raise $3M for CATEE project by Aug 2025.
- Complete ECE renovation by end of fiscal year.
- $250k for any college-based CCI solutions by June 2025
- BLC Interior signage designed and installed by Aug. 2025.
- Explore multiple student housing options to grow campus capacity from 150-300 by March 2025.
Strategic Priority 2 - Academics
Strategic Goal 2 - Update and expand academic programming.
- Complete a strategic evaluation (program review) of NCMC’s current program offerings.
Update/revise our program portfolio for relevancy in today’s economy over a 6-year
review cycle.
- Evaluating 8-12 programs each year.
- 2024-25 is Year 2 - Cohort 2 of 6. Complete by Aug. 2025.
- Develop a staffing and recruitment plan for Tech. and Trades Programs by Jun 2025.
- Increase occupational education program enrollments fall 2022/winter 2023 to fall 2023/winter 2024 by 10% by Oct 30, 2025 (from new and existing offerings).
- Increase non-credit revenue from all non-credit offerings by 10% gross by June 30, 2025
Strategic Priority 3 - Investment in People
Strategic Goal 3 - Foster employee engagement and retention.
- Explore and implement opportunities to build trust, garner vertical and horizontal
feedback from across the college, meaningfully recognize team members and provide
other resources as identified to address and improve college culture.
- Create a vehicle (Is it a special group, a task force, the existing Leadership group, etc.?) for garnering feedback and create a plan of action for improving college culture by Feb 2025
- Identify 2 areas of focus for future improvements by May 2025
- Implement 1 area for improvement by August 2025
- Work with campus community to create, implement then measure objectives to address PACE survey action plan area of "Open and Ethical Communication." Communicate outcomes at Fall WBW.
- Work with campus community to create, implement then measure objectives to address PACE survey action plan area of "Clarity of Administrative Processes." Communicate outcomes at Fall WBW.
- Develop and administer an internal communication strategy by Jan. 2025.
- Secure Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Accreditation by March 11, 2025.
- Begin necessary preparations for Emmet County Millage Renewal Election in 2026
- Complete and Economic Impact Study by Jun. 2025.
- Prepare a millage election timeline by Jun. 2025.
Strategic Priority 4 - Leadership
Strategic Goal 4 - Grow to be the region’s community leader in the areas of sustainability
and community collaboration.
- Grow the Foundation Board by 3-5 new members with representation from across the College's service area and provide professional development opportunities for all by Jun. 2025
- Create a comprehensive proposal (including project description, research, budget, facilities and administrative costs, timeline, etc.) for presentation to cabinet that identifies 1 new campus sustainability initiative by Aug 2025.
- Complete an assessment of additional charging stations, including an evaluation of the usage and electricity cost to the College by Aug. 2025.
- Finalize New Program Proposal for Dental Hygiene by Dec. 2024.
Dictionary of Terms
The purpose of this section is to define common terms used in North Central's Thrive 2035 Strategic Plan.
Best Practitioners (vs. Best Practices)
A practitioner is someone practicing a skilled profession for which special education or licensing is required. North Central should seek to invest in employees who are “best practitioners” vs. focusing only on following best practices.
Collective Efficacy
Collective efficacy refers to a shared belief that the college’s employees can have a positive impact on student achievement. “We’re all in this together.” “Together we will get you through.”
The number and percentage of students who choose a program of study, make timely progress, and earn a degree or credential at North Central.
Diversity is the bringing of people from various backgrounds and experiences together on North Central’s campus.
Making sure that each student receives what he or she needs to succeed. North Central strives for equitable access and outcomes for underserved and low-income students.
The ongoing process of improving our systems and processes to meet every student’s needs, especially those in marginalized groups.
IPEDs Data
The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS annually gathers information from about 6,400 colleges, universities, and technical and vocational institutions that participate in the federal student aid programs. North Central is a participating college.
KPIs – Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the critical (key) indicators of progress toward an intended result.
Opportunity Gap
“Opportunity gap” is the preferred terminology to replace “achievement gap” when referring to our students. North Central’s approach should be focused on filling “opportunity gaps” instead of referring to “achievement gaps.” The gaps in achievement result from gaps in opportunity.
The number and percentage of students who enroll from Fall to Winter in an academic year at North Central.
The number and percentage of students who enroll from Fall to Fall at North Central.
Sense of Belonging
Students and employees feel that they matter and are cared about, accepted, respected and valued.
Student Access
The ways in which North Central’s actions and policies ensure—or at least strive to ensure—that students have equal and equitable opportunities to take full advantage of their education.
Student Engagement
Student engagement is a measure of a student's level of interaction with others, plus the quantity of involvement in and quality of effort directed toward activities that lead to persistence and completion.
Student Success
Student success is determined by the goals and personal situation of each individual student. The measure of student success is how well students are prepared to accomplish their current and future academic, personal, and professional goals through the development of knowledge, a sense of responsibility and self-reliance, and a connection to the college and wider community.
Student Transfer Rate
The number and percentage of students who transfer to a four-year college or university.
Time-to-Completion Rate
The time it takes students who start a degree program at North Central to complete it.
North Central’s definition of workforce is that students that graduate from North Central must secure strong employment opportunities in well-paying jobs.